Sexual Harassment In The Dance School Industry – Are You A Victim Or Do You Know A Victim? Speak Out Now!
Dance brings to mind many things beautiful including physicality, grace and perhaps even a more enlightened way of life.
For many dancing is a world based on hard work and a total lifetime dedication, in which the pursuit of perfection is trying to be achieved and not to be be sexually harassed. This should be the real and most common and moral rule. Correct?
It depends on whom you believe, I have been recently made aware of some really shocking claims of sexual harassment of female dance instructors and even students within the ballroom dancing industry. These claims are now unfolding about a very well known and popular dance school brand that operates across the United States.
One particular victim of this dance school has made claims she has not only suffered verbal harassment but also physically harassed to such a state that she has now lost all her love and passion for ballroom dancing and teaching. She has questioned herself many times on what is or should be acceptable. Well if you consider one of the owners of one of the dance studios pulling her top down and grabbing at her breasts or trying to pull her panties down or even worse, tea bagging her when she was lying on the dance floor. “Tea Bagging is slang for dropping the male appendage over the face of someone” acceptable then you are seriously stuffed in the head. This behavior is vulgar and disgusting and totally inappropriate and it does not matter how many times you are apologized to you still remain the victim and this needs to STOP NOW!
It appears that many of the males within the dance studio business ranks believe it is all okay and I have even been informed of a female dance studio owner telling her female dance instructor that she needs to flirt and accept what happens if she wants to make it in the dance industry. What a load of crap, what type of moral decay is leaching out of the dance industry? I am so determined now to help the victim of this sexual harassment to get her life back on track, I will not stop until these sexual predators are brought to justice.
I do not believe this is an isolated incident so I am asking anyone female or male to come forward and speak out if you have or are a victim of sexual harassment within the dance industry. You can remain anonymous if you like but it will be hard to help you if you do not speak out. I know many people choose to remain silent. I know of one young lady lasted only one week at a Florida dance studio because she would not tolerate being sexually harassed by the owner, he then became abusive towards her and called her an illegal immigrant prostitute. “How Classy, this guy has no morals”.
I do believe that there is still some really credible trustworthy operators working within the dance industry it is just a minority that are operating outside the law, So How Common is Sexual Harassment?
Twenty-five years ago much of the behavior we now label as sexual harassment was unrecognized, ignored, or tolerated. That was just the way things were.” Today we have a name for this behavior, and it is viewed by the courts as a serious violation of the Equal Rights Act of 1964, and the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Legal recourse for victims of sexual harassment coincides with the public’s awareness that this problem is of increasing concern in our community.
You do not need to remain a victim, you do not need to be touched inappropriately or spoken to that way. Speak out now sexual harassment is a crime and the perpetrators that commit sexual harassment crimes need to be brought to justice.
My name is Paul Klerck and I want to help victims of sexual harassment speak out and be compensated for their suffering. I use the power of search engine optimization techniques to bring light to these growing problems, concerns and crimes in the hope I can help to stop another victim, my cell number in the United States is 407 529 6314. I am currently trying to get some air time with some of the major broadcast networks across the United States to see if they can assist me to help assist others.
Even if I can’t get the air time with the news networks maybe someone like Ellen DeGeneres or Dr Phil could run a segment on this because it is out of control?
Thanks for reading feel free to register and comment or contact me direct on this website or my cell phone above.
Paul Klerck