Pay Per Lead SEO by a smarter faster way to grow your business

If you have a website and constantly struggle with Google results the answer could be Pay Per Lead SEO we partner with small, medium and large businesses to help drive large amounts of qualified traffic and leads back to that business. 

Search Engine Optimisation We do this by using our SEO software SEO Furnace and we throw a large net over a massive amount of keywords, that captures more traffic than just relying on traditional SEO. For example we have a Floor Coating business that we generate leads for across Australia on average we generate approx 150 leads per month for the business before we came along they were flat out generating 20 leads per month. We understand whats involved in getting more clients contacting your business because we understand business. The more search results we can establish of your business the more chance you will have of doing business. PPL SEO is a division of InfoLink IT website promotion, since 1999 we have been establishing and dominating search engine results for our 2000+ strong clients base. Visit us today at or call us on 0422 668 449